Next Ruby’s Pantry Distribution Day in Austin to take place Thursday, July 21st

The next Ruby’s Pantry distribution day in Austin will take place Thursday, July 21st, at the Mower County Fairgrounds.

A $25 per bundle donation is required, with a two bundle per vehicle limit.  The distribution will take place from 4:00-5:30 on July 21st, or until items are gone.

Bob Rosel, Media Coordinator for Ruby’s Pantry in Austin stated in a news release that volunteers are always needed, and if you are able to volunteer, you are asked to stop by the fairgounds at around 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of July 21st.  Volunteers are asked to enter the fairgrounds off 12th St SW at the main entrance. Guests should come in at the north gate of the fairgrounds from 4th Ave SW and, Rosel stated that those attending are asked to please have a space cleared out in their vehicle for the items.  He added that containers to hold the bundles are very helpful for the volunteers and for guests, making the process easier for everyone.

Those looking to volunteer, or anyone with any questions or searching for more information about Ruby’s Pantry in Austin can call Grace Lutheran Church at (507) 433-3445, or you can also find information on the Ruby’s Pantry of Austins’ Facebook page.