Mower County Health and Human Services responds to recent surge in number of COVID-19 cases in the county

Mower County Health and Human Services has released a statement concerning the recent surge in the number of COVID-19 cases in the county…

“Mower County Health and Human Services has been working closely with the Minnesota Department of Health and Mayo Clinic Health System due to the rise in COVID-19 positive cases in the county. As of June 3rd , Mower County has 366 cases, which is an increase of approximately 150 cases in one week. As the state loosens its guidelines and commerce picks up, we are predicting the positive cases will continue. 

As we look through data, we have found that many people who contract COVID-19 have worked while in their infectious period. This is causing businesses to have positive cases and quarantine some of their staff. Local Public Health is working closely with these businesses to help prevent the spread in the workplace. Please remember, if you have any symptoms of illness, isolate yourself as soon as possible and reach out to your provider. 

Mayo Clinic Health System has also worked closely with businesses that have shown a cluster of positive cases. Plans are being made to ramp up testing and assist these businesses in getting their employees tested whether employees are showing symptoms or not.”