Helping Hearts of Hospitality looking to help those in need in the hospitality industry this holiday season

The hospitality industry has been hit harder than most during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the most recent Executive Order from Governor Tim Walz imposing new restrictions on bars, restaurants, fitness centers, gyms, hotels, venues and theaters due to the pandemic, the industry has been hit yet again heading into the holiday season.  In an effort to help, the Austin Holiday Inn and Conference Center has organized an event with all levels of the industry in Austin and in Mower County called Helping Hearts of Hospitality, and Jennifer Wilson from the Austin Holiday Inn and Conference Center talked to KAUS about what Helping Hearts of Hospitality is all about…

Wilson went on to give details as to how those affected by the shutdown can reach out to Helping Hearts of Hospitality for assistance…

Wilson stated that it is an opportunity to be able to help those in the industry this holiday season…

Gift pickup will take place Friday, December 18th between 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Austin Holiday Inn lobby, and cash donations must be received no later than Monday, December 14th. Wilson went on to state that nominations are being accepted to assist hospitality workers that are affected and may not have been in this situation before.