Demolition of Oakland Avenue West bridge over 1-90 to start Friday evening
MnDOT has announced that motorists traveling on Interstate 90 near the Oakland Avenue bridge will be detoured up the exit and down the entrance ramps starting at 6:30 p.m. this evening through 5 a.m. on April 22 as bridge demolition occurs. KAUS News spoke with Mike Dougherty, Public Engagement and Communications Director with MnDOT District 6 in Rochester who gave more information on what will be taking place starting tonight…
Dougherty went on to state that if anyone has any questions concerning detours, project timelines or are searching for any other information, they are encouraged to go to the project’s website starting at
Work will start in June on the I-90 bridge over the Cedar River, rehabilitation work is scheduled to start that same month on the 6th Street NE bridge, and demolition work is scheduled to start on the 4th Street NW bridge in Austin beginning this fall. To learn more about the project in its entirety, visit the MnDOT website, where you can also sign up for email and text message updates.