Area field agronomist comments on corn and soybean crops in southeastern Minnesota

Cool, damp conditions slowed crop maturity in southern Minnesota while other areas received a heavy frost during the week ending September 13th, according to the latest Minnesota Crop Progress and Condition Report from the USDA.  KAUS News spoke with Josh Schofner, a field agronomist with Pioneer in southeastern Minnesota who stated that there is the potential for a good yield for this year’s corn crop…

Schofner went on to state that concerning the soybean yield, the harvest of early maturity soybeans, which could start this week could be an early gauge as to how the rest of the crop will yield as harvest progresses this fall…

According to the USDA, corn in Minnesota had reached the dent stage or beyond on 95% of the acres, 24 days ahead of last year  and two weeks ahead of the five-year average.  Corn was 45% mature, 25 days ahead of last year and 11 days ahead of average.  Corn harvested for silage reached 66% complete, 26 days ahead of last year  and 11 days ahead of normal.  Corn condition in the state dropped to 76% good to excellent, its lowest rating so far this year compared to last week’s 78%.  Soybeans were 85% turning color, remaining two weeks ahead of last year and six days above the five-year average.  Soybean acres were 41% dropping leaves, 11 days ahead of last year and three days above average.  Soybean condition dropped to its lowest rating of the year at 77% good to excellent compared to last week’s 79%.