A second round of grants for small businesses in Mower County to assist them with expenses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic is underway
A second round of grants for small businesses in Mower County to assist them with expenses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic is underway, and applications will be accepted through 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 9th. Round one wrapped up on October 22nd with 109 small businesses receiving grants, and Mower County Administrator Trish Harren stated to KAUS News that round two will disburse the remaining funds….
Harren went on to talk about a round of micro resiliency grants approved earlier this week by the Mower County Board of Commissioners that will also assist small businesses in the county…
The grant program is made possible by federal CARES Act funds allocated to local units of government including townships, cities and counties to assist with expenses resulting from response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic relief to small businesses is an eligible use of these funds. Mower County received $4.9 million dollars and assigned $1,000,000 to this small business grant program. Additionally Mower County provided $250,000 in non-profit grants, $270,000 in school grants, $75,000 in utility assistance and $250,000 in special grants to individuals and families. The City of Austin has also contributed $200,000 to the small business grant program.
John Garry from the Development Corporation of Austin stated that the small business grant program is designed to reimburse businesses for losses or additional expenses incurred as a result of the pandemic.