MnDOT reminds farmers to complete a miscellaneous work permit prior to laying pipe along or under any state highway

The Minnesota Department of Transportation is reminding farmers that they need to complete a miscellaneous work permit prior to laying pipe along or under any state highway.

A permit makes MnDOT personnel aware of the project while also covering the person seeking the permit and their contractor from claims should any incident arise during or because of the project.

Force-main manure pipes are used to move manure through pipes to fields or for removal. Pipes are often run or stored along highway right of way or utilize culverts or other structures to cross under roads. In all cases, permits are required.

During the spring season, MnDOT personnel have observed this work occurring, sometimes without the necessary permit.

For permit forms or information please visit MnDOT’s Permits website.

Submit permits for District 6 in southeast Minnesota by sending to Dave Evans via email at [email protected] for permits on District 6’s east side, or for west side to Jon Keranen at [email protected].

Permits may also be sent via MnDOT’s online permits application.