Austin man sentenced to supervised probation, jail time and restitution on felony criminal vehicluar operation charge in Mower County District Court
An Austin man who was involved in a two-vehicle accident in February of 2020 on U.S. Highway 218 in Lyle Township north of Lyle while intoxicated that caused severe injuries to the other driver has been sentenced to supervised probation, jail time and restitution in Mower County District Court.
42-year old Brett Alan Frank was convicted and sentenced Thursday to five years of supervised probation, 180 days in jail, 40 hours in the sentence to service program and $120,000 in restitution for a felony charge of criminal vehicular operation, great bodily harm, with an alcohol concentration of .08 or more. An 18-month prison sentence was stayed for five years if Frank complies with the terms of his probation, and he pleaded guilty to the charge in November of 2020.
Felony charges of criminal vehicular operation, great bodily harm with an alcohol concentration of .08 or higher within two hours and criminal vehicular operation, great bodily harm, negligence, under the influence of alcohol, plus misdemeanor charges of 4th degree DWI, alcohol concentration of .08 or more within two hours and driving an uninsured vehicle in the case were all dismissed with Frank’s guilty plea.