Letter from local legislator and 37 other colleagues requests Mayo Clinic end COVID-19 vaccination mandates for its employees

A letter from State District 27A Representative Peggy Bennett, a Republican from Albert Lea and 37 other state lawmakers is requesting that Mayo Clinic end COVID-19 vaccine mandates for its employees.  Representative Bennett spoke with KAUS and stated that she and her colleagues are urging Mayo to look at, in their view, a more reasonable policy now that the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services does not have authority to order hospitals, nursing homes and other health care providers to vaccinate all of their workers….

Representative Bennett went on to state that if Mayo’s current policy stays in place, it could add to an already existing problem of staffing issues with healthcare facilities in Greater Minnesota…

Mayo Clinic has stated that all employees must get a COVID vaccination by January 3rd, 2022, or be fired.  A previous COVID-19 vaccination policy from Mayo stated that all staff members were strongly encouraged to get vaccinated, but those who declined to be vaccinated for COVID-19 were to complete education modules and be required to wear masks and socially distance when on campus.  The lawmakers sent the letter to Mayo Clinic President and CEO Dr. Gianrico Farrugia in the wake of a federal judge ruling the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services did not have authority to order hospitals, nursing homes and other health care providers to vaccinate all of their workers.  Among the other 37 lawmakers who signed onto the letter was State District 27B Representative Patricia Mueller, a Republican from Austin.