Update from the Mower County EOC concerning the COVID-19 pandemic

The Mower County Emergency Operations Center reminds residents of the county that with a holiday weekend coming up, you are asked to please remember we are still under the Stay at Home order.  The order is working to flatten the curve but Minnesotans need to keep up the good work.  Stay at Home, wash your hands and practice social distancing.

On Tuesday, April 7th 2020 Mower County Board voted to extend the closure of the buildings untill May 4th 2020.  County business can be done over the phone and by mail.  There is a drop box located at the Law Enforcement Entrance for correspondents.

The EOC also reported that there is a Crisis response line for SE Minnesota.  During these times of uncertainty it is a good resource for Minnesotans. Crisis Response inspires hope in adults, children, youth and their families by delivering compassionate, person-centered, recovery-based mental health support during a crisis.

CRISIS RESPONSE FOR SE MN-1-844-CRISIS2- 24/7 response. OR TEXT HOME to 741741

The EOC secured cloth face covers for Mower County Deputy’s, City of Austin Police and Mower County First Responders. CDC is recommending the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.  The EOC emphasized that maintaining 6-feet social distancing remains important to slowing the spread of the virus.

Cloth Face Covers have now been suggested to wear when in public settings where social distancing is hard to maintain.  The cloth face cover protects others from you potentially spreading the virus.  Wearing a face covering does not replace the recommended social distancing and should not give the wearer a false sense of security.

If you are a sewer and would like to donate cloth face coverings there are many agencies in Mower County that will accept the donations.  Please reach out before donating.

The CDC has a great website on how to sew or not sew a cloth face covering.
