Seven candidates seeking to fill vacancy in District 1 for Mower County Board of Commissioners

Friday was the last day for candidates to file for the vacancy in District 1 for the Mower County Board of Commissioners.  Mower County Auditor/Treasurer Scott Felten reported that two more candidates, James Williams and Ric Berg filed for the vacancy on Friday to bring the total number of candidates at that point to eight.  Felten stated in a news release on Wednesday that Williams withdrew his name for consideration on Tuesday, so the seven candidates that will take part in a special primary election on Tuesday, February 9th now include Ric Berg, Tim Duren, Laura Helle, Arnie Johnson, Mark Lang, Michael Langstaff and John Mueller.  The top two vote-getters in the primary election will then take part in the special general election to fill the vacancy on Tuesday, April 13th.  

District 1 includes the townships of Lansing, Red Rock, Udolpho and Waltham, and also includes the cities of Brownsdale, Mapleview, Waltham and the 1st Ward, 1st Precinct of the City of Austin.  Only voters living in Commission District 1 will vote in the special primary election on Tuesday, February 9th and the special general election on Tuesday, April 13th.