Overby Orthodontics Prep Athlete of the Week named!

Congratulations to this week’s KAUS Overby Orthodontics Prep Athlete of the Week, Ailani Thriavong of the Austin Packers girls golf team!

Thiravong, who is among a group of five freshmen on the squad stepped to the fore as one of the leaders of the team last season, and she has continued in that role this year, as in a busy week for the team, Thiravong led the squad with a round of 82 in a Big 9 Conference dual meet with Winona at the Austin Country Club Monday, then in a 12-team invitational at The Jewel Golf Course in Lake City Wednesday, Thiravong finished third overall with a round of 73, and the team’s score of 340 earned them a 4th place finish, and a day later at a Big 9 Conference quadrangular at Northfield, Thiravong led the squad with a round of 90 as the Packers took second to first-place Northfield with a team total of 384.

Congratulations again to this week’s Overby Orthodontics Prep Athlete of the Week, Ailani Thiravong of the Austin Packers girls golf team.  Dr. Eric Overby and his staff at Overby Orthodontics, with offices in Austin, Stewartville and Rochester, smile with us!  See all of the services they have to offer by logging onto their website at overbyorthodontics.com.