Next Ruby’s Pantry in Austin scheduled for January 21st
The next Ruby’s pantry drive by in Austin will be held this Thursday at the Mower County Fairgrounds starting at 4:00 p.m.
Bob Rosel, Media Coordinator for the local Ruby’s Pantry stated in a news release that the procedure will be the same as last month with guests placing empty containers in their trunk for volunteers to put the food items in as they drive-by.  Guests should enter at the North Gate off 4th Ave SW.  A $20 donation will be taken for each bundle and a limit of two bundles per vehicle, subject to food availability, that could change.
Volunteers should enter the fairgrounds thru the South Gate off 8th Ave SW and arrive beginning around 2:30, and Rosell stated that more volunteers are always welcome.  Questions can be answered at Grace Lutheran Church by calling 433-3445.  Rosell stated that information is always available on the Ruby’s Pantry Facebook page at