MnDOT announces Highway 56 has reopened between West Concord and U.S. Highway 14 in Dodge County
Hwy 56 reopened Monday, Nov. 2 between West Concord and Hwy 14 in Dodge County as crews completed the concrete pavement repairs, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
The concrete pavement repairs began in early October on Hwy 56. There were 236 repairs needed on the concrete highway ranging from damaged concrete panels and failed joints. Traffic was detoured during this time. The repair work helps lengthen the life span of the pavement.
Some road construction projects still continue in the region. MnDOT urges motorists to always be attentive, drive with caution, slow down in work zones and never enter a road blocked with barriers or cones. Following guidance from state and federal health officials, and to prevent further spread of COVID-19, crews will maintain safe physical distances while working.
To learn more about the project or sign up for email updates, go to the project website at