Mayo Clinic doctor discusses sharp rise in number of positive COVID-19 cases in Mower County
The Minnesota Department of Health has reported that Mower County has seen a sharp rise as of late in its number of positive COVID-19 cases, as the county has recorded 80 new cases in the last two days, raising its total to 446. KAUS News spoke with Dr. Deepi Goyal, Mayo Clinic Health System Regional Chairman of Clinical Practice and Emergency medicine physician for southeast Minnesota who attributed the recent spike in cases to the state loosening its guidelines and commerce picking up, people who have contracted COVID-19 working while in their infectious period, also to the virus being spread through entire families, carpools and apartment buildings, and also to people not social distancing and not wearing a mask to businesses such as grocery stores and other places where large amounts people gather…
Dr. Goyal went on to state that he doesn’t think southeastern Minnesota has seen its peak concerning the number of positive COVID-19 cases as of yet…
Mower County Health and Human Services asks residents of the county to seek medical attention when symptoms of COVID-19 first appear. Please call (507) 433-7351 to connect with the Mayo Clinic-Austin triage line for a COVID-19 screening.