Karl Potach Memorial Golf Tournament to be held August 16th
The 2021 Karl Potach Memorial Golf Tournament, also known as Karl’s Tourney, will be held Monday, August 16. The annual event raises money for cancer research at The Hormel Institute for Wilms’ tumor, a rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children.
Dr. Kurt and Brenda Potach lost their son Karl to Wilms’ Tumor in 1997. After friends started Karl’s Tourney in memory of their beloved Karl, they established the Karl Potach Foundation, which has now given $712,000 to The Hormel Institute since 2008. There are currently three Wilms’ tumor related research projects in progress at The Hormel Institute funded exclusively from the Karl Potach Foundation.
Karl’s Tourney will be held on Monday, August 16, 2021 at the Austin Country Club, starting at 12:00pm. Golf, tee package, cart contest, and dinner is $135 per person. Golf only is $105 per person. This year, participants are asked to provide a check or credit card payment the day of the tournament. Payments will not be accepted online.
For more information and to register, or send a donation visit https://karlpotachfoundation.com/karls-tourney/