Infectious diseases expert with Mayo Clinic answers latest COVID-19 questions in Thursday press briefing
Cases of the COVID-19 delta variant are on the rise across the state of Minnesota, and the United States as well. Dr. Abinash Virk, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases expert answered a number of questions from KAUS News and other media outlets during a press briefing, and Dr. Virk was asked what the probability would be for long-term side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine…
Conversely, Dr. Virk went on to talk about the long-term effects of COVID-19…
Dr. Virk was also asked for her opinion concerning a third COVID-19 shot for the general population, where the eight-month time span for receiving the shot came from, and she was also asked if it was okay if people would receive a shot before the eight month time period…
The Minnesota Department of Health recently reported that all but one county in the state is now in the high transmission category for the virus, with only Big Stone County on the state’s western border still being in the substantial transmission category. The C-D-C recommends everyone wear masks indoors in counties with substantial or high COVID-19 transmission. If someone is unvaccinated, they should mask up indoors regardless of where they are.