Food banks struggling across the state

To prepare for the upcoming Farm Bill negotiations, Second Harvest Heartland is holding a series of listening sessions across the state.

More than 75% of Farm Bill spending goes to nutrition programs, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

“Today we’re getting on average 100 new clients per month with the economy the way it is. The food is not as prevalent out there the donations are not as prevalent out there today,” says Mary Gardner is with the Monticello Help Center.

Demand is up at foodbanks statewide. There is concern about the number of people who visit local stores, and Angie Cruzen with Gather and Grow Food Shelf in Waconia is fearful about how they can feed all those in need.

“My supply chain at the food shelf has been 100% impacted by what’s available, the quantities that we can order and I went from like five new families a week to five a shift like overnight,” Cruzen says.

Minnesota News Network