Cynder Higgins named Austin High School 2019-2020 Artist of the Year

Austin High School is proud to announce that Cynder Higgins has been chosen as the 2019-2020 Artist of the Year!


Cynder has received numerous accolades for her art, which spans multiple mediums.  When asked what advice she’d give to younger artists, she advocated focused practice.  “When you practice painting, drawing, sculpting, or any other medium, you are also developing skills to find and fix mistakes or flaws faster and easier.  Use this to your advantage and take the time to work on the soft skills of art just as much as the hard skills.”

Austin boasts numerous highly regarded artistic programs, with dedicated and hard-working faculty who work hard to help develop students’ artistic abilities.

Cynder, a member of the AHS Art Club, will be attending Penn State to study architectural engineering.