City of Austin implementing smoke testing program in north-central area of the city starting Monday, September 12th
The City of Austin will be implementing a smoke testing program within the north-central area of the city. The work will be completed from Monday, September 12th through Friday, September 23rd, weather permitting. If you have any questions, you are asked to contact the city’s Engineering Department at 507-437-9950. The city’s Public Works Department stated that they are looking for areas where clean stormwater or rain water is entering the sanitary sewer system. These cross connections can occur at stormwater drains, cracks in the sewer pipes or broken cleanouts in the yard.
Homes that have proper plumbing will vent the smoke from the sewer through the roof using the homes vent plumbing.
To prevent smoke from entering your home, pour one gallon of water down all of your floor drains, sinks and tubs. For floor drains, make sure that your cleanout plug is installed and that you have water in the trap. This water in your P-trap will create a barrier preventing the smoke and sewer gases from entering your home. If smoke does enter your home, open the windows and throw a wet towel over the drain. The smoke is non-toxic and will vent out quickly.
Any questions should be forwarded to the city of Austin’s Engineering Department at 507-437-9950.