Austin City Council approves proposed tax levy and budget for 2022, and an amendment to a contract for the design of the wastewater treatment plant at Monday meeting
The Austin City Council moved to set the city’s proposed tax levy for 2022 at $7.94 million, or a 6.8% increase from 2021 at their regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening at the Austin City Council chambers. Austin Mayor Steve King spoke with John Wright on the “Meet the Mayor” segment on “Wright Here, Right Now,” and Mayor King gave credit to city staff for looking for ways to increase revenue and for looking for grants to help offset expenses concerning the city’s tax levy and budget…
The council also approved the city’s proposed budget for 2022 to be set at $38,949,960. The proposed tax levy for the city can still be lowered, but not raised before the final tax levy for 2022 is approved by the council at their final meeting for 2021 in mid-December. Mayor King went on to state that the council also approved an amendment to a contract with Short, Elliot, Hendrickson, Inc., or SEH for the design of the expansion and phosphorus reduction project at the city’s wastewater treatment facility…
Public Works Director Steven Lang stated in a memo to the council that the project schedule was planned for an 18-month design process, with a goal for the bidding date in June of 2021. Lang went on to state that due to funding considerations and a rate study, the project has been delayed and additional costs have been incurred. The proposal approved by the council detailed remaining items to be completed for the design of the project at an additional amount of $182,781, bringing the total design and bidding costs to $3,818,871, and Lang added that the proposed bid date has been extended to July of 2022.