Austin City Council approves consulting contract for city housing analysis at Monday meeting

The Austin City Council approved a consulting contract with CRE Consulting Corps at their regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening to conduct an in-depth housing analysis for the city.  Mayor Steve King spoke with KAUS during the “Meet the Mayor” segment of “Wright Here, Right Now” and stated that the firm will help the city formulate a strategy as to how to combat its housing shortage issue….

The Corps is a public service program of The Counselors of Real Estate, which provides real estate analysis and action plans for municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government entities, educational institutions, and other owners of real property.  The CRE Consulting Corps team will conduct a thorough analysis, engage stakeholders, and propose actionable solutions.  Officials with the Corps stated in a memorandum to the city that the analysis and resulting recommendations will consider and reflect the needs and priorities of the City of Austin and community stakeholders.