340 seniors to graduate from Austin High School today
340 seniors will be graduating from Austin High School today, but the graduation ceremony will look far different this year due to restrictions announced by the Minnesota Department of Education that no mass graduations could be held per guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health due to the COVID-19 pandemic. KAUS News recently spoke with Austin High School Principal Andrea Malo, who outlined what the ceremony will all entail…
The plan, which was outlined in a letter sent out to seniors and their parents, will allow students and families to participate in the drive-thru method of collecting their diploma from 6-8 p.m. this evening, similar to how they picked up caps and gowns in May. Besides the banners for the seniors being featured at the Wescott Athletic Complex this week, other special activities for the seniors have included a scavenger hunt, the Red and Green Project and also Senior to Senior letters.