31st Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive to be held Saturday, May 11th
The National Association of Letter Carriers of Austin recently announced the 31st annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive for Saturday, May 11th. They will hold their drive in conjunction with the 32nd national carrier food drive, which is conducted each year the second Saturday in May. Bob Rosel, Letter Carrier Food Drive Coordinator spoke with KAUS and talked about how everyone can participate in the food drive…
Carriers will be delivering bags the week of the food drive, and Rosel stated that monetary donations are also being welcomed…
Rosel went on to state that Austin area letter carriers collected food and financial donations equaling over 20,000 pounds of food in 2023…
Rosel encouraged everyone to donate, as he noted that usage is up at the Mower County Foodshelf at the Salvation Army in Austin….
The event will be held rain or shine, and Rosel noted that donations can also be left at the Salvation Army in Austin, or also at the Austin Post Office. Rosel stated that all food donated stays with the local food shelf, and he added that in the past 32 years, letter carriers nationally have collected 1.9 billion pounds of food to help feed the hungry.